Information for physicians and senders
Send specimens to:
Moter Diagnostics
Mail address:
Charité – Universitätsmedizin Berlin
Campus Benjamin Franklin
Gebäude 5011, R U901
Hindenburgdamm 30
12203 BERLIN
Please use the appropriate submission form when sending in patient samples.
Sample shipment Tropheryma whipplei
Sample shipment FISHseq Diagnostik / MG-FISH
Diagnostic Test Results
First results will be available after two business days and can be called up via telephone or e-mail. The total turnaround time depends on specimen type and test method.
If a test is positive, we will contact you promptly.
Phone: +49 (0) 30 8040 5950
Specimen Requirements
Please find further information in our List of Diagnostics Services
Emergency and Urgent Requests
Please inform our laboratory prior to sending emergency specimens via telephone (+49 (0) 30 8040 5950) or e-mail ( and clearly label specimens as such on the analysis order. You will be informed about test results as soon as possible (please provide your phone number to this end on the analysis order sheet).
Fixation Solution (FISHopt)
FISH Fixation solution (FISHopt®) can be ordered via MoKi Analytics GmbH. Further information is available via or
Please contact us for further information.
Quality Management
Quality assurance in our processes and diagnostic test results is of utmost importance to us. We provide medical and diagnostic services in accordance with extensive legal requirements for quality management in diagnostic laboratories in Germany. Among those are the Guidelines for Quality Assurance by the German Medical Association (RiliBÄK), which specify minimum requirements for laboratory diagnostic examinations in medicine. The original text of the guideline can be found on the German Medical Association’s website: Richtlinie der Bundesärztekammer
Our goal is to provide our services correctly and rapidly to our senders and patients. If there are any discrepancies, questions or worries, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately.
You are welcome to address your concerns by telephone (+49 (0)30 80405950), by email ( or by mail (Moter Diagnostics, Marienplatz 9, 12207 Berlin, Germany).
We will take care of your concern immediately and will inform you within five working days about the result. We will do everything in our power to find a satisfactory solution.
Please note, that complaints have no influence on the cooperation with the respective sender or patient. We use them as an opportunity to identify possibilities for improvement and to optimize our work.